Family Dentistry


We not only treat adult patients but we also see your children (and your parents!) It is very important to take good care of your child’s teeth. It is a myth that baby teeth cavities do not need to be treated because they will fall anyway. It is important that any cavity or infection in baby teeth be treated at the earliest. Our skilled dentists will treat your children and their teeth in the most pleasant and pain-free manner. It is important for children to understand the need to maintain good oral health themselves and also to have a positive attitude towards dentists.

Why do I need this?

Baby teeth are important because they are needed for speech, eating and most importantly to maintain space for the permanent teeth, developing underneath them in the jaws. If baby teeth are healthy, the permanent teeth will most likely be healthy and will erupt into the correct position.

However given the current eating and drinking habits of children, it is sometimes difficult to keep their oral cavity completely problem-free. Regular check-ups and open communication with us will ensure to keep these dental issues to a minimum.

Patient Expectations

Treatment times vary for children depending on age, extent of dental issues and level of cooperation. The first appointment with the dentist will be a friendly meet and greet along with a routine check up. The child will also be exposed to the correct method of brushing. They are given time to get familiar and comfortable with the place and the people.

Scaling & Fluoride application, pit and fissure sealants, pain relief root canal treatments, habit breaking appliances, tooth extraction for damaged teeth are just a few among the large array of treatments we offer.