
Extraction is simply the removal of a tooth. It is done in cases when it is not possible to salvage the tooth by any other dental treatments. Whether it is a wisdom tooth or broken one, we strive to make extractions as atraumatic and comfortable as possible for you.

Why do I need this?

A tooth may have to be removed for various reasons. The dentist may determine a particular tooth to be a source of infection. Hopeless decayed teeth or broken teeth which cannot be saved need to be removed to protect the rest of your teeth and overall health. Sometimes teeth need to be removed if they are badly positioned, partially erupted, impacted, or in preparation for orthodontic treatment.

Patient Expectations

Extraction of teeth can sound scary but we will try to make it as comfortable as possible for you.

The dentist will numb your tooth, jawbone and surrounding gums with a local anesthetic. You will feel pressure but not pain during the removal procedure. In case you still feel pain at any point in the tooth removal, please raise your hand and let us know. 

After the extraction, you must abide by the postoperative instructions to make your post procedure discomfort as minimal as possible.

It is extremely important to bite firmly on the gauze pad for 30 to 45 minutes after the appointment. If some bleeding or oozing persists, bite firmly on another gauze pad for an additional half hour. Please refrain from vigorous rinsing, sucking on straws, smoking and alcohol for the next 72 hours. Eat food which is soft and nutritious and take lots of fluids. Avoid hot and spicy foods. These activities may dislodge the clot and slow down the healing process. For the next 24 hours avoid stressful physical activity especially swimming.

Some discomfort, pain and/or swelling is expected after the removal of a tooth. Please take prescribed medications diligently. They will help keep your pain and swelling to the minimum. Application of an ice pack will also help reduce swelling in the first 24 hours. 

IMPORTANT: If you  experience any red flags: excessive pain, excessive swelling or fever please contact our office immediately.