

Dental emergencies can happen at any time and our focus is to alleviate any trauma or pain related to the emergency at the earliest. Dental trauma, lost teeth, acute dental infections, and excessive bleeding gums can be emergencies involving stress and pain. Do not hesitate to call us immediately so we can help you out.

Why do I need this?

Some common dental emergencies are listed below for your benefit.

Dental trauma

A broken tooth can be very painful. If it is a front tooth it can affect your appearance  too. Call us at the earliest if you are in such an emergency and we will try and fix it as soon as possible

Lost tooth

If you or your child loses a tooth entirely due to a fall or activity, first of all keep calm! Try and locate the lost tooth. If  you find it, try to clean it gently and place it back in the socket in your mouth. If you are unable to do this, clean it gently and keep it safely in saliva or milk till you reach the dentist’s office. Do not place it in water. Try to reach a dentist within the hour to allow a higher chance of saving your natural tooth.

Dental Abscesses

These are infections which can spread from an affected tooth to other locations in your mouth, jaws and airway. If not treated promptly and effectively, dental abscesses can lead to dangerous situations. Red alert signs for abscesses in and around teeth are high fever, redness and swelling in or around your mouth and severe pain.

Broken teeth, implants, dentures, crowns

Broken portions of teeth, implants and crowns can traumatize other parts of your gums, cheeks or teeth. They can potentially be swallowed and can be dangerous if not treated. Please do not try and fix removable dentures by yourself as you might cause more harm than help in the process. When you visit the dentist, take any retrieved portions of broken teeth or prosthesis to the office.

Patient Expectations

Remember that in any emergency situation, it is most essential to remain calm and help others remain calm. We will take you in at the earliest possible time but try to be patient. Even if the dental emergency seems impossible to handle, be assured that we have all the required equipment and personnel needed to tackle such situations swiftly and effectively.