Mouth Guards

Mouth guards are basically devices which cover your teeth and protect them from teeth grinding habits, clenching while you sleep and injuries from sports activities. They can also help reduce snoring and relieve obstructive sleep apnea. They may be prefabricated or custom made. The custom made mouth guards are made by making molds of your teeth at the dentist. They have a better fit, feel and comfort over prefabricated ones.

Why do I need this?

Mouth guards can be a big help in many situations.

Teeth Grinding

Stressful jobs, daily pressures and tension have led to an increase in grinding and clenching of teeth especially in your sleep. This can damage your teeth, muscles and jaw bones. Wearing a mouth guard while you sleep can help keep the upper and lower teeth separated so they do not cause damage to each other from the pressure of grinding.


Mouth guards can protect your teeth and prevent them from causing lip or tongue injuries during activities which have a high risk of falling or impact injuries. This includes sports like football, basketball soccer, skating, boxing.

Sleep apnea and Snoring

This is a potentially serious disorder that can cause a person to temporarily stop breathing in their sleep. This can cause a lack of oxygen to your brain and increase the chances of stroke and heart disease. This can also cause excessive snoring. Mild sleep apnea can be relieved with custom made mouth guards which work to push your jaw and tongue forward to keep the airway open while you sleep.

Patient Expectations

The fabrication of a mouth guard is easy and hassle free. It takes 2 appointments to get your device. You must follow all the instructions for its care and use to ensure its best use for you.

Rinse your mouth guard with cool water every time you wear or remove it. Hot water can change its shape so please avoid it. Use a toothbrush and soap water to clean it everyday. Mouth guards tend to wear over a period of time. Make sure you get a new one when it shows signs of wear and tear. Keep it safely in a hard case and away from children and pets.